MP Inspects Works as Another Milestone Reached at Bridge Inn Road Upgrade Site

MP Inspects Works as Another Milestone Reached at Bridge Inn Road Upgrade Site  Main Image

09 November 2023

Member for Yan Yean, Lauren Kathage MP, last week visited the Bridge Inn Road Upgrade site to inspect works and receive a briefing from the Major Road Projects Victoria team on the progress of the project.

Member for Yan Yean, Lauren Kathage MP, last week visited the Bridge Inn Road Upgrade site to inspect works and receive a briefing from the Major Road Projects Victoria team on the progress of the project.

The next major project milestone will be reached in December 2023, with the new bridge over Plenty River open to cars for the first time. The new bridge will carry one lane of traffic in each direction ahead of a full opening of the bridge in 2024 catering for two lanes of traffic in each direction.

“Opening the new bridge over Plenty River to traffic shows that this project is well on track. Being here and seeing the bitumen going down is really satisfying after having seen the bridge being built from scratch into a major piece of local infrastructure” Lauren Kathage MP said.

The upgrade team will soon start work on turning the existing bluestone bridge over Plenty River into a shared walking and cycling path. People wanting to get active will be able to walk or pedal from this new path all the way down to Bundoora once the upgraded Plenty River Trail is completed.

Lauren Kathage MP, Member for Yan Yean:
“I am really proud of this project and what it will mean for our community when completed. Inspecting the site, I can confirm that they are making real progress. I want to thank the community for their patience and understanding as these works are completed.”

For more information on the project please visit