Getting VLocity Trains Back On Track Sooner

Getting VLocity Trains Back On Track Sooner Main Image

12 July 2023

The Andrews Labor Government is getting VLocity trains back into service quicker, making public transport more reliable for regional Victorians.

Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll visited the South Dynon Train Maintenance Facility ahead of the commencement of the $322 million Stage 2 upgrade funded in the Victorian Budget 2023/24.

Upgrades to the South Dynon Train Maintenance Facility will ensure the reliable operation of the VLocity train
fleet - increasing maintenance capacity and ensuring as much of the fleet as possible is available to deliver

Works will deliver additional heavy maintenance roads and train wash capacity to maintain more V/Line trains at the same time, while supporting up to 180 construction jobs at the peak of works, as well as additional ongoing maintenance jobs at the facility when complete.

The project builds on the South Dynon Stage 1 upgrade project currently in its final stages, upgrading
maintenance roads and site infrastructure and amenities at the site.

The regional fare cap is continuing to be extremely popular with Victorians, with around five million trips taken on the V/Line network and more than $15 million saved by passengers since the start of the cap.

Since the introduction of the fare cap V/Line has added more than 100 additional special services every month and will shortly be consulting with customers as part of its review of bookings and reservations policies for long-distance lines.

This year’s budget invested $601 million to build 23 new VLocity trains – supporting around 500 local jobs as well as a $219 million investment for almost 200 additional weekend V/Line train services.

The Labor Government has invested more than $9 billion into rolling stock and supporting infrastructure since
2014, supporting up to 10,000 local jobs directly and throughout the supply chain.

Member for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage:

“As a regular user of the train from Wallan, I’m so proud that this Government is investing in additional
maintenance capacity to ensure our communities’ transport network is more reliable and creating hundreds of jobs at the same time.”

Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll:

“Our massive investment of more than $9 billion in rolling stock and supporting infrastructure since 2014 is
bolstering our manufacturing industry and supporting up to 10,000 Victorian jobs.”